Model Aircraft Safety

Model  Aircraft is a fun and exiting past time. If you would like to take up this hobby, i hope the information listed below will help you enjoy the most out of it!

Local Airspace Regulations.
 Kindly check your local airspace regulations if the area you are intending to conduct your hobby activities is regulated. Also known as Aerodromes.

An example:

Model Aircraft Maintenance.

 When performing power transmission (Motor) checks on the bench, remove control surfaces such as main\tail blades.

When performing pitch calibration and programming, disconnect the power transmission (Motor).

Check for loosen or worn parts.

Store and isolate both efuel (Lithium polymer batteries) and Liquid propellants (Nitro Methane) away from electrical  or temperate areas. Avoid charging efuels unattended.

Model Aircraft Operations.

Avoid flying too close to yourself or others.

Having sufficient rest the night before reduces disorientation.

Perform pre-flight checks.

Have a great day at the flying field! 

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